fbpx Why I'm running the London Marathon dressed as Big Ben - London Youth

17 April 2018

I think the London Marathon is one of the greatest events (that I’ve been a part of) on the planet. An extraordinary amount of money is raised for charity, it is challenging but also fun and is a brilliant showcase for London – my favourite city. I have run the London Marathon on two previous occasions and on both I have been blown away by the support and festival like atmosphere.

I was inspired to run for London Youth when I read that Prince Philip had been patron for 70 years and subsequently discovered the amazing work the charity does. I was incredibly lucky growing up and I think it is hugely important to give all young people the time and opportunity to discover their talent and passion. London Youth, through its members and residential centres, enables young people to find their sense of purpose outside of the classroom and the home.

Having taken the running quite seriously on previous occasions I decided it was time to embrace the sense of humour that makes the London Marathon so unique by running in a ridiculous outfit. A bit of research led me to the list of Guinness World Records for running a marathon dressed in a particular costume. After all, who doesn’t want to hold a world record, however stupid it might be?

Big Ben, although pretty awkward to run 26 miles in, is sure to stand out and I think there is a really nice line drawn between running the London Marathon, for a charity that does all its work in London, dressed as one of London’s great monuments! Let’s just hope that line is drawn all the way to the finish…

George will be running the London Marathon 2018, you can support his fundraising efforts for London Youth here. Check out his costume here.


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