fbpx Our summary of COVID-19 Amber Readiness Level - London Youth

07 July 2020

As of 6th July, the National Youth Agency’s readiness level for the youth sector has changed to Amber. Read the guidance here.

The following youth sector activity is permitted, subject to a COVID-19 Action Plan and Risk Assessment and meeting the Government’s COVID-19 Secure guidelines:

  • Online and digital youth services
  • Detached local youth activities, including pre-planned outdoor activities
  • 1-2-1 indoor sessions with young people
  • Indoor group sessions

Please note that the guidance recommends fixed ‘bubbles’ of no more than 15 people (including young people and youth workers) to reduce the risk of transmission. Overnight trips remain against the guidance.

The law now requires all those over 11 years old to wear a face covering unless with good reason when attending youth sector activities Further information on this, local lockdowns, and gathering information for NHS track and trace is included in the updated guidance included below.

About the readiness toolkit

The guidance for Amber Readiness Level should be used alongside the Readiness Toolkit.

Each youth organisation remains responsible for operating safely and managing individual risks according to the young people they work with, their premises, and the forms of delivery they undertake. Resources and templates for carrying out COVID-19 risk assessments can be found here.

About the guidance

As readiness levels change, the National Youth Agency (NYA) are publishing guidance with Public Health England and the Health and Safety Executive on managing youth sector activities and spaces during COVID-19. You can read the guidance here (updated on 8th August) or London Youth’s summary here.

We support this guidance, the development of which London Youth had some input into.

We encourage all of our members to read this guidance and to check for updates regularly. As the Government’s COVID-19 alert level changes, so will the guidance.

Official guidance

Read more about how we’re supporting our members during COVID-19, including official guidance and funding resources.

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