fbpx Our statement on the new Youth Minister, Baroness Barran - London Youth

30 July 2019

The new Prime Minister has appointed Baroness Diana Barran MBE as Parliamentary Under Secretary for Civil Society and DCMS Lords Minister with responsibility for youth policy.

Rosemary Watt-Wyness, our Chief Executive, said:

Congratulations to Baroness Barran on her appointment as the new Youth Minister. We look forward to working with you to champion young Londoners through support for community youth organisations.

We hope to build on the good work underway at DCMS, particularly the Youth Charter and the review of statutory guidance for local authorities.

We look forward to discussing the work of our 500+ member youth organisations across London, their perspectives on the current policy landscape, and collaborating to support young Londoners in the future.

You can keep up-to-date with our latest news and updates by signing up to our newsletter or read more about our policy work.

Samuel Howell, Policy Officer

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