Securing media coverage for our members and the issues impacting the lives of young Londoners is a key part of our mission. Many youth organisations struggle to get their voices heard, despite the fact that they are on the front line delivering vital youth services.
That’s where London Youth can help:
We represent our members’ views and provide an overview of the issues impacting young people and the youth sector.
We work to secure media coverage across our key policy areas. Our member networks play a vital role in this work.
We invite our members to engage directly in media and policy opportunities that arise. Our team will help to co-ordinate this to ensure our members are fully supported throughout.
Contact us
For any London Youth media enquiries, or to get in touch with one of our members, please contact us at
NFL player Efe Obada visits London Youth member as part of new ambassadorship
01 July 2024 -
Press release: The Duke of Edinburgh visits historic youth club in London and meets youth organisation leaders from across the capital as part of charity patronage
22 February 2024 -
Media release: Programme working to inspire young people into new opportunities in sport and physical activity sector
17 October 2023 -
London Youth announces stepping down of CEO Rosemary Watt-Wyness and new leadership under Pauline Daniyan
18 September 2023 -
London Youth awarded NCS grant for delivery of experiences to help local teens become ‘world ready and work ready’
23 August 2023 -
Press Release: The Duke of Edinburgh visits historic outdoor centre as part of youth charity patronage
08 June 2023 -
Press Release: How are young Londoners navigating the cost-of-living crisis?
14 March 2023