London Youth Awards 2023 Nominations


Youth organisations rapidly adapted their delivery during the initial stages of lockdown, but the effects of the pandemic – now exacerbated by a cost of living crisis and ongoing mental health emergency – are still impacting the delivery of youth work. 

We want to recognise the way that youth organisations are always working and adapting to be there for young people. 

This award highlights the stories of the different ways this happens in organisations within communities all over London.  

Our award principles

  • We’re not looking for the best-written application. 
  • We’re looking for nominations that tell a story and demonstrate impact, backed up by relevant information. 
  • Bullet points are absolutely fine. 
  • We don’t require or accept any supplementary documentation (e.g. impact reports, imagery, videos, budgets). 
  • The awards recognise youth work’s impact on young people – great nominations will include their voices. 

What does it recognise?

This award is for an organisation that adapted and evolved its model of delivery over the last year so that it could continue to be there for young people.  


Organisations that are members of London Youth can nominate themselves. Any individual can nominate organisations that are members of London Youth. 

What to include in your answers?

Good nominations will evidence how the delivery model changed and the impact this had. In question one, describe how the model of delivery changed, and give us some concrete examples of this work. In question two, share qualitative and quantitative impact to show us why this worked and the impact it had on young people (great to bring their voices in here if you can!). Feel free to use question three to share more impact or further examples of work, just tell us in the start of your answer what you are using the 150 words for. 


If you require the information on this page, or the form below, in an alternative format AND/OR if you would like to submit your answers in a different way (e.g. by recording a video), please get in touch by emailing [email protected] with subject line ALTERNATIVE FORMAT.


You must read our full Terms and Conditions of the London Youth Awards 2023, which also includes information on awards eligibility.


The closing date for nominations for the London Youth Awards is 23:59 on Sunday 1st October 2023. Any nominations received after this time will not be considered. 


If you have any issues submitting your nomination, please email [email protected], including if you require this information in an alternative format (as a small team, we’re unable to offer advice on how best to answer the questions but will support with technical issues wherever possible). 


London Youth Awards 2023 | Somewhere To Go: Being There Award

Your Name(Required)
Please provide the full name of the organisation.
Please provide the most relevant email address e.g. info@ etc.
150 words or less
150 words or less
150 words or less