fbpx London Youth announces stepping down of CEO Rosemary Watt-Wyness and new leadership under Pauline Daniyan - London Youth

18 September 2023

Rosemary Watt-Wyness is stepping down after nearly 8 years as CEO of London Youth.

Stephen Moss, London Youth’s chair said: “We are immensely grateful to Rosemary for the work she has done as CEO. With her leadership, the organisation has supported more youth clubs and youth workers than ever before. We have diversified our income and consolidated our place as the go-to network for youth organisations in London.

I am really pleased as well to announce that we will be retaining her skills and experience part-time in a new role developing an innovation strategy and leading our innovation work. This work is of particular interest and will build on our support to members and young people. It also builds on Rosemary’s previous experience at the Prince’s Trust as Director of Strategy and Innovation.”


London Youth is also announcing today the appointment of Rosemary’s successor. Pauline Daniyan will be taking up the role of CEO on 18th September. Stephen Moss said: “We are extremely pleased to announce Pauline’s appointment. Pauline comes with a wealth of skills and experience. Her previous roles include Director of Projects at Safer London and Head of Youth and Academies at the Greater London Authority.”


Pauline is currently the Director of Engagement at London Youth and has stepped in as Acting CEO over the last year. Rosemary added: “It’s fantastic to see Pauline appointed. She has been a pillar of our organisation for the last few years and has led our work on member services. Pauline has been right at the heart of developing our new strategy and is ideally placed to take it forward. I’m really pleased that, at a time of huge pressure for young Londoners and youth organisations, Pauline’s appointment, after working so closely with our membership, will be an oasis of continuity. I couldn’t hope for a successor more determined to help us achieve our goals.”


Pauline Daniyan said: “It’s an honour to take up this position as London Youth’s CEO. It’s a crucial time for the city’s youth sector, and we have an unmissable chance to increase opportunity for young people and lead the sector into a sustainable future. That is exactly what our new strategy sets out to do. Over the last few years leading our membership work and engaging with our stakeholder network, I’ve formed valued relationships and developed a vision that I look forward to bringing to the role. I’m keen to hear from people and organisations who share London Youth’s determination to ensure young Londoners have happy, healthy and safe lives.”

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