Is London a fair city?
25 September 2015
Friday 25 September 2015
“Is London a fair city?” This is the very question that has been asked by the London Fairness Commission, alongside the how and who can make it a fairer city. When the Commission first launched back in June 2015 individuals and organisations were asked to submit evidence and share their ideas for what is already working well in the capital and what needed be improved.
“Life in London can be particularly unfair for young people and the way they are treated is very unjust in terms of housing and their perceived relationship with the police and other organisations. For example, youth unemployment rates have not significantly reduced. Even to be eligible for apprenticeships, a young person has to have a certain amount of qualifications.” This was a response from our London Youth members included within the interim report.
Also quoted were our youth advisory board, Dare London, who stated:
“Equality features very highly in defining what a ‘fair city’ should look like; each individual must have equal rights to opportunities irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, race and religion – the ‘priority areas’. Jobs, housing and education are key elements in the lives of a Londoner; providing ample opportunity for people to access these is very important for young people today. Travel is another important element of a fair London. This must be made affordable, particularly for those who must travel long distances for work due to a lack of jobs within their area.”
The full interim report and executive summary is available for review here.
The Commission’s interim findings highlighted three key areas of interest:
- Income
- Wealth
- Housing
The Commission strives to tackle the question of why London, with its overwhelming access to opportunities and wealth, still remains the city in the UK with the highest child and pensioner deprivation in the country. The Commission will examine issues such as whether the income and wealth distribution is fair in the capital and whether access to housing is fair for all Londoners.
These were the hot topics for Tuesday’s public debate at the Guildhall, in conjunction with the Evening Standard. And it was the first in a series of events being led by the London Fairness Commission to find out what Londoners want and think. The Commission will then present their findings to the public and policy-makers, and conclude conversations with plans for action to make London a fairer city. So if you haven’t had your say yet and want to contribute, then get in touch!
For more information please visit the London Fairness Commission’s website at the link below:
You can also find out what our Chief Executive, Rosie Ferguson, who is also a Commissioner for this consultation, thinks about the need for the Commission in her blog from back when it first launched in June.