fbpx Have your say on Arts Council England's Strategy 2020-2030 - London Youth

16 July 2019

Arts Council England is consulting on Shaping the Next Ten Years: Draft Strategy 2020-2030, which closes on Monday 23rd September 2019.

The consultation

Arts Council England vision Arts Council England is a non-departmental public body, which is funded by the Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) to champion and develop arts and culture in England.

They are consulting on their next 10 year strategy, in which they would like to address the following challenges:

  • Widespread socio-economic and geographic variances in levels of engagement with publicly funded culture.
  • Unequal distribution of opportunities for children and young people to experience culture and creativity inside and outside school.
  • A persistent and widespread lack of diversity across the creative industries and in publicly funded cultural organisations.

The strategy has three outcomes, each with four priorities, which are set out below.

Creative people: Every person can develop and express creativity throughout their lives

  • Ensuring more people, of all ages and all backgrounds, find, access and take part in a wide range of creative activities, both in their communities and online.
  • The creativity of pre-school children and their families.
  • The creativity of 4-19 year olds both within and beyond the curriculum.
  • Help for people from all backgrounds to understand and access careers in the creative sector.

Cultural communities: A collaborative approach to culture helps villages, towns and cities across the country to thrive

  • Place-based partnerships which deliver shared outcomes, i.e. to strengthen and connect communities, and support inclusive growth.
  • Cultural provision, including touring and distribution, that responds to the needs and aspirations of local communities.
  • Place-based cultural education that is co-designed with young people and others, and delivered through local partnerships of cultural organisations and education providers.
  • Cultural initiatives that achieve health and well-being benefits for people of all ages.

A creative & cultural country: England’s cultural sector is innovative, collaborative and international

  • Support for independent creatives that enables more people from all backgrounds to sustain careers in the creative sector.
  • Innovation and research and development, including the use of new technologies, to support new ways of creating and sharing cultural content.
  • Ensuring the country’s collections are dynamically managed, researched, curated and shared to the highest standards.
  • International, national and local collaboration that harnesses and develops the best talent, expertise and ideas, and can open up new markets.

Questions for the youth sector

  • Do you agree that with the vision laid out in the strategy?
  • Do you agree with three outcomes and the twelve priorities identified in the strategy?
  • Will this strategy increase access to arts and culture for young people?
  • Will this strategy lead to meaningful partnerships with community youth organisations?
  • Is there anything else that Arts Council England need to know?

Have your say

If you would like or have your views or evidence included in London Youth’s response, please email Samuel Howell using the link below before Monday 2nd September.

If you are a London Youth member and would like to be more involved, we encourage you to join our Policy Advisory Group, a new way for our members to be at the heart of our policy and media work.

Samuel Howell, Policy Officer

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