Talking Circle
Brief:This is a facilitated check-in conversation
Equipment: A meaningful object for the group
Step by Step
- Get everyone to sit in a circle as they feel comfortable. Refer to your group contract reminding the young people of elements they agreed to “we will be respectful”, “we will listen”, “we will not tell anyone else” etc.
- Introduce an object to the group that you will use for the Talking Circles. This is called a Talking Piece. Ideally, this is a meaningful object for the group.
- The object is passed from person to person in the circle. When they have the object it is there turn to talk about their wellbeing. You may wish to prompt talking with specific questions and/or around a topic or theme.
TOP TIP: Sometimes a young person may monopolise the talking time, so you may want to introduce a set time for each speaker.
- Once everyone in the group has spoken, run a check-in with the group: is everyone ok, does anyone need to take a moment?
5. It is important to find a symbolic way to signal the end of the Talking Circle. Perhaps a grounding or breathing exercise, or a group clap or stamp all together or a signature movement.
Things to Consider
- Before you attempt to run this activity with young people it is essential that you read our before you start advice. You must have a group contract in place that ensures non-judgemental, confidentiality between peers.
- Make sure you have an idea of what are low, medium or high-risk topics. When you will stop conversation and pick up later.
This activity gives each person in the group the floor to speak and be heard. It can help young people to digest the events of the week and the impact on their wellbeing