fbpx Events from 12 March – 12 June › Monitoring Evaluation and Learning › – London Youth

Training and networks

All members get access to free training, networks and events. Our events are accessible to anyone who works or volunteers with a member youth organisation through London services. You can browse our upcoming events below, including training sessions, network events, workshops, and more. Use the filters on the left side to refine your search. Click on an event to read more about it and find out how to book on.

Most events are only open to London Youth members. If you would like to join as member, learn more about our membership.



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Theory of Change


This training workshop will introduce you to Theory of Change (ToC), a key concept in impact measurement, and give you the skills and knowledge to help you reflect and describe how and why your programme and project work to achieve its goals. During the workshop, you will have an opportunity to develop a theory of […]

Developing a MEL evaluation plan


The focus for this session will be on how to design an evaluation plan for a specific project, programme or service. It will cover: •What are you trying to achieve with this particular evaluation? •Identifying and prioritising outcomes, and creating a logic model (simple Theory of Change) for your project/programme •Identifying measures or indicators of success […]

Data collection, analysis and reporting

London Youth 47-49 Pitfield Street, London, United Kingdom

Monitoring evaluation and learning (MEL) is a cycle; starting with planning an evaluation, collecting data, and then analysing and using what you have learned to improve what you do, report to funders, influence policy or practice, feedback to young people or promote your service. This training session will focus on quantitative and qualitative data collection, […]

Important information about training

You can book a maximum of 2 people per organisation on a training session. Online training is interactive, you must have connection to a microphone and cameras will be encouraged to be switched on to facilitate discussion and engagement during the session and/or in breakout rooms. 


Training Cancellation and No-show Policy – if you can no longer attend a training, please let us know at least working 3 days before. Cancellations made 2 working days or less before a scheduled training course may be subject to a penalty.