fbpx Evaluation Resources: Telling the Story of Change - How to Write Up Research & Evaluation Findings - London Youth

01 October 2021

As part of the Cornerstone project we ran a series of training for youth organisations and youth workers about engaging with research. Youth organisations are increasingly interested in demonstrating the effectiveness of their practice because of funders requirements and their own desire to understand the impact they’re making.


04: Telling the Story of Change – How to Write Up Research & Evaluation Findings

This training session takes us to the next stage of using the findings of research and evaluation to prove our impact and improve our work. We learn how to tell a compelling and robust story of change using evidence of impact from qualitative and quantitative sources alongside individual human-interest stories. We  consider the importance of understanding your audiences and the different ways they prefer to receive information. There are real-life examples of what funders and other stakeholders are looking for in your work. This is an interactive session with opportunities to practice using findings for reporting. Resources will be available to take away.

The training is aimed at youth workers and youth work managers. It may also be useful for evaluators and research and learning practitioners in youth organisations. The training was developed for this series by Katie Rabone of Fundraising Action, an expert in fundraising, report writing and co-production focusing on youth organisations. Katie is an engaging trainer with a wealth of experience working with a diverse range of organisations and funders.

Access the Recording here.

Access the Briefing here.

The training can be accessed above, along with an accompanying brief that has been developed to support you to access this training.

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