fbpx Attlee Award 2016 - London Youth

01 February 2016

The Attlee Foundation was established in 1967 to benefit people disadvantaged by poverty or lack of opportunity, in particular young people – and in so doing, to build on Clement Attlee’s life achievements and work.

Clement Attlee initially volunteered and then became a paid youth/social worker in the Spitalfields area in Tower Hamlets in the East End of London.  His experience of the issues facing communities and young people he worked to support completely changed his outlook on life.  He created new opportunities that helped to improve their lives and that of the community and built on this as a MP and Prime Minister.

In the spirit of Clement Attlee’s work, this award recognises the achievements of a young person with outstanding potential as a youth worker and community leader. Shortlisted nominees will be put forward to our youth advisory board, who will select the recipient. The winner will be presented with the Attlee Trophy (provided by the Attlee Foundation) at London Youth’s AGM.

Nominees for the award must be:

  • Aged 16-25 and living in London
  • Regularly volunteering or working in a community-based youth club or project
  • Nominated by a supporting adult from London Youth or our network

The winner will:

  • Show significant potential as a future community leader
  • Be committed to working with their local youth club or project
  • Inspire and lead other young people to achieve their potential
  • Demonstrate commitment to their own learning and development as a youth worker

Attlee Award Nomination Form

Please submit all nominations to [email protected] before the deadline of 12pm on Monday 22nd of February 2016.

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