The Youth Investment Fund Phase 2 will be delivered by Social Investment Business in partnership with Key Fund, The National Youth Agency and Resonance, on behalf of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS).

Applications can be submitted from 01 August 2022. To apply for the fund and view the detailed guidance visit the Youth Investment Fund website.  Barking and Dagenham and Tower Hamlets are currently the only London Boroughs within scope.

Phase 2 of the Youth Investment Fund (22/23 to 24/25) will deliver up to 300 facilities that represent positive value for money, are environmentally sustainable and enable


The lead applicant must be a local authority, a registered or exempt charity, a Community Interest Company (CIC) limited by guarantee, or a Community Benefit Society. This organisation will be accountable for managing the grant.

The funding can be used for new or renewed facilities that will deliver additional positive activities for young people aged 11-18 (up to 25 for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).

The planned building project will be in a selected eligible area. Check if you are in an eligible area using the Social Investment Business’s postcode checker here.

All grant funds awarded by YIF must be spent by 31st March 2025.

In making funding decisions, Social Investment Business (SIB) will also look to consider:

  • To what extent you have involved young people in the development of your project
  • The strength of your project
  • Your youth offer – that it will expand access to youth services for local young people
  • The resilience of your organisation – that the lead applicant has the capacity to deliver your build project(s), and the ability to manage them well afterwards
  • The viability of your project – that it can be delivered within the lifetime of the fund (2022-25) and to budget
  • How advanced plans for your project are. In project assessment rounds 1 and 2 particularly (to December 2022), SIB will be looking for projects at an advanced stage that could start work within three months
  • The additional funding that you have already or will secure alongside the YIF grant