Leap’s approach to reflective practice 

Working with young people and conflict can be intense and challenging, as well as enjoyable and transformative. Reflective Practice allows youth practitioners/facilitators to acknowledge and process the highlights and challenges of their work in order to learn and grow from them.  Participants work together with a facilitator to clarify ideas, experiences, and perspectives, enhance their skills, self-awareness, and deepen their practice. Leap builds regular RP sessions into all its programmes, believing it is integral to good practice and the wellbeing of those involved. 

Leap’s reflective practice sessions are experiential in nature and meeting a whole range of learning styles. They are informed by several models of reflections including Kolb’s Model of Experiential Learning (1984), Gibb’s Reflective Cycle (1998) and Rolfe, Freshwater & Jasper ‘What’ Model (2001) 

Your pastoral care check-in with LEAP will be scheduled for the week following this session