Our Governance
The Federation of London Youth Clubs, operating under the name London Youth, is constituted as a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 258577) and registered as a charity with the Charity Commission (number 303324).
The charity was founded in 1887 as The London Federation of Boys’ Clubs and incorporated on 22nd August 1931 as a charitable company limited by guarantee. It is governed by its Articles of Association which were last amended on 21st March 2018.
Our charitable objectives are:
To assist the development of young people by promoting, improving and assisting the delivery of efficient and high quality youth work services.
To relieve poverty by assisting young people in need and by encouraging young people to make use of educational and recreational facilities so that their lives may be improved.
To give young people access to a range of learning opportunities and challenging experiences which promote their personal, social and spiritual development.
London Youth is governed by its Board of Trustees (who are also company directors). The Board comprises 12 members. There are three sub-committees of the Board of Trustees; these are responsible for Finance, Assurance and Nominations.
Trustees are elected by Members at the Annual General Meeting following nomination either by the Board of Trustees or by five or more members, and retire in accordance with the charity’s Articles of Association which allows a maximum service of 9 years. The honorary officers, i.e. the Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer are elected annually.
London Youth’s Board of Trustees regularly monitors and reviews the success of the organisation in meeting its key objectives, and considers improvements to governance and performance accordingly.
Our Annual Reports
Please view our key documents here: